( kimw@kimberleewood.com )
Grahame & I would like to express how satisfied we are with the container shipping services you provided!
From start to finish, your service was professional, informative and invaluable!
«No one should leave home without you!» ….Your services can be trusted to help any immigrant to Ecuador with their container needs. Trying to bring a container in without the highly experienced, professional services of Relocation Services of Ecuador could be a very expensive mistake!
Furthermore, our journey was a bit different, our container came in attached to my visa and I (Kimberlee)had to go it alone. Paul Wilches, assured me that all would be okay and as long as he was there to communicate for me (since I speak little Spanish) that there was nothing to worry about, and to relax! He was right! Everything went especially well! The delivery service to our Ecuador home «door» was extraordinary…the unload team was very considerate handling and placing our household where we requested.
Thank you again for your services, we could not be more pleased with Relocation Services of Ecuador!